
Day 1, 2/16/23
So last night i had a dream where my dad and I were skinned while our spirits were being transported to a different realm. It was rather disturbing and I am not excited to go to bed tonight. Also there was a spider web of meat and bones. Horrible.

Day 2, 2/17/23
I did not dream last night, and if so, I don't remember.

Day 3, 2/21/23
i forgor my dream :C

Day 4, 2/24/23

Day 5, 3/2/23
Today I had another vivid dream, and it wasn't something that was horrifying! yay! I was in Japan with one of my friends, and we were having a pretty good time. I started noticing that there were alot of things written in English, which confused me, but it was still a good dream nonetheless. I'm just glad that it was one that i didn't want to wake up from.

Day 6, 3/5,23
My dreams are getting more vivid and strange, today when I was taking a nap I had a dream about one of my friends having a doppelganger that was trying to "get rid" of him. So I bombed their house. Weird, right?

Day 7, 3/9/23
Today I had a dream where I was with my friend at my grandma's house and we were watching a movie. My friend looked around the house and said, "Wow, your family is rich and white."(i'm not rich). Once we were watching the movie, I suddenly got transported into it, and I quickly took notice of how weird it was. There were certain rules that I had to abide by, such as not taking notice of the crocodile in my backyard, as well as the people gathering by my house as I swung around on top of a soccer ball in my house. As you'd expect, the soccer ball flew outside and I then had to chase it from this blonde girl who was trying to be David Dobrick. After I finally got it back, I ran to my RV, ignored the now blue belly-up crocodile and got my dogs off of the dashboard where they were panting and hot, even though there was snow outside. I hid my rei plush, and ran up a big, snowy will which led to a desert, where Asuka Langley watched from afar. The only thing I remember is hiding from a massive sand lady who was letting people live in her river. Very, VERY odd.

Day 8, 3/14/23

Day 9, 3/15/23
My dreams aren't coming anymore, I don't know why.

Day 10, 3/16/23
Still no dreams, just sweet darkness.

Day 11, 4/1/23
I had a dream where i was aware i was dreaming. but the thing was that i couldn't get out of it, i had to wait. i had no control.

Day 12, 4/4/23
I had a dream last night where we were in the snowy wilderness of... somewhere. People were collecting rats and putting them in bags.. the rats suffocated to death and there were bloody bags littered everywhere along the trails. Disgusting.

Day 13, 4/5/23
I don't remember the dreams that I had.

Day 14, 4/23/23
I don't want to tell the details of my dream today.

Day 15, 6/20/23
I had a dream where my friend tried to kill themselves in a psych ward with a sock... really weird.

Day 16, 11/4/23
been a while since i've updated here. i was trying to take a nap, and when i was still fully conscious, i suddenly got transported to somewhere with a sunset. i looked down at my hands and they were.. melting. some of them had this black mass inside of them. i forced myself to wake up. i don't get dreams like that very often, maybe for a good reason.

Day 17, 11/8/23
I had a dream last night where i was walking in the woods during fall and i'd come across this old house in a remote section of it. there was a woman with dark hair who told me that her father had lived here a while ago. she also told me that he was a horrible person. once i got back home, i heard somewhere that she was wanted for murder. i also found out that her father stole land from a group of native american people who had been preserving it for a while. i didn't turn her in.
Day 18, 11/30/23 (forgot to update)
I had a dream where i was at target and looking around. I met a few friends along with other groups of people in different areas. it got dark inside the target and the group that i didn't know took me to an area that looked like the inside of a school? and then i walked into a multipurpose room where i saw the custodian from my old school and a random mexican guy. he asked me if i wanted a snack, which he then said, "why don't we pass out snacks now?"
when he said that, a grabbed a box full of cheezits and slammed it on the table. somehow that summoned a blonde woman in a black suit to come in along with some other formally dressed students, as if they were coming to a dance. i saw one of my classmates and woke up.
Day 19, 12/13/23
i had a dream where i was looking at myself in my bathroom mirror and my adams apple was.. jutting out? i don't know, it looked like an abcess where my throat was. really weird!