
low poly white cat angrily typing away at an old, tan computer About Me
Name: William
Nickname: wyllym/rem
Favorite Food: Chicken Teriyaki
Current Mood: tired

Update Log
11/11/23 happy veterans day! i got some headway on The Deep, it should be linked now. 11/3/23 - redesigning site, code may be a bit messy
8/19/23 - sorry guys took a nap (got a life), might start learning how to properly program if depression isn't such a problem.
6/19/23 - happy juneteenth everyone! today i completed my art page. go ahead and check it out! new blog post in the works...
6/17/23 - first time keeping an update log, here's all of the things i did :D
Full redesign of home page, made it look more clean.
Changed the music Planning of making a more in depth about me page...

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